गौरवं प्राप्यते दानात्, न तु वित्तस्य सञ्चयात् । त्यागाज्जगति पूज्यन्ते, पशुपाषाणपादपाः ॥


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  • Samskrit Promotion Foundation

Readiness of Sanskrit Institutions for Digital Marketing

Author : Vinod Kumar
Volume : 5
Issue : 2

The article argues that Sanskrit institutions should use internes to promote Sanskrit widely. This can be done only when the products and services are delivered online and Google identifies them automatically. Use of Social Media is another important factor to reach the wide spectrum of users. But for this the website should be ‘SEO friendly’. Evaluation is done with the help of online tools. The results are tabulated for getting a bird’s eye view. The article suggests that digital marketing can help Sanskrit Institutions to overcome these barriers and create a positive image and reputation for Sanskrit.